The Band

Johnny edwards

John Douglas Edwards is an American rock singer who sang for the bands Buster Brown, Montrose, King Kobra, Wild Horses, Northrup, Royal Jelly, Doorway and is best known as the second lead singer for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees Foreigner

Paul mcgarry

Louisville Kentucky legend and virtuoso Guitarist/Vocalist Paul McGarry has played for Home, Pulse, Karen Kraft, Paul McGarry and the Shuffle, Rhino Ivory and the Monkey Paws and is a 20 year Veteran of Louisville Blues Legends Blonde Johnson

tony bowles

Tony Bowles is an American guitarist who has played for the bands FreeFall, Fire Dept, The Mighty Water Kings, Webb Wilder, Jimmy Hall and a 28 year veteran of the Hank Williams Jr. Band

Greg unthank

Louisville Kentucky native Greg Unthank is an American Drummer that has played for Silverloop, The Brian Fox Band, The Greg Foresman Band, Caribou, The Velcro Pygmies, Numbhunger, and The Imposters

Scott Caudill

Scott Caudill is an American Bassist/Vocalist who has played for the bands Spanky Lee, Mad Moxie, Red Rebel Devils, The Windfields, Young Country, The Sextones, Country Bourne, The Pit Crew, Snake Oil Conspiracy, Numbhunger, The Imposters and Doorway